A good insurance policy is like a well tailored suit. You’re spending your money on an insurance policy, and you expect that it is built to suit your individual needs. You expect your insurance professional to know all the coverage options. You need your insurance professional to have the expertise to present you with an insurance policy that is precisely tailored to fit you. If your insurance policy leaves you exposed, you risk problems and expenses in the future. If it’s not tailored to fit, you end up with a bloated premium for features that you don’t need. Remember your insurance professionals at Coldbrook see deeper.

Coldbrook Insurance Group is uniquely suited to exceed your expectations, whatever your insurance needs. Our team of professionals boast a retention rate of over 96% of our clients. That means 9 out of every 10 business owners are done shopping around. They realized that with us, they’ve arrived. So what are you waiting for? Get started now!
Every insurance risk is unique and has different types of business exposures and risks. Some of the major businesses that our team of professionals have extensive experience with include:
Automotive Dealerships
Boat Dealers
Boat Dealerships
Builders Risk
Car Washes
Commercial Real Estate
Community Associations
Farm Implement Dealerships
Franchised Hotels/Motels
Funeral Homes
Garbage Haulers
Health and Fitness Facilities
Hotels and Motels
Lessors Risk
Non-Profit and Human Health Services
Physicians Practice
Private Schools and Universities
Retail Stores
Supermarkets/Grocery Stores
Tool and Die Shops
Truckers – Short and Long Haul
Wholesale Distributors
Wood Products
And Many More!
Types of Business Property and Casualty Coverage

Business Owner Policies (BOP)
Business Owners Policy
Commercial General Liability
Commercial Property
Crime and Fidelity
Cyber Liability
Directors and Officers Liability
Employment-Related Practices liability
Environmental Impairment Liability
Equipment Breakdown
Errors and Omissions
Liquor Liability
Management Protection
Medical-Professional Liability
Package Policies
Pollution Liability
Professional Liability
Underground Storage Tank Liability
Workers Compensation